Available in 1917/1917A1, 1919 Tank / 1919A2 Cavalry (18 5/8") and 1919A4 configurations,
these premium barrels have a QPQ Nitride Finish, which is generally considered superior
to hard chrome lining in terms of durability, corrosion resistance and accuracy. These
barrels are intended to give exceptionally long life and look good doing it!
These are in 30-06, made according to the original drawings.
We know of no other new made barrels, in any caliber, that utilize the original, radius notches for the lock spring to set head space.
1917 and 1917A1 Barrel, Cal. 30-06 with QPQ Nitride Finish $350
+ Shipping
1919 Tank / 1919A2 Cavalry Gun, Cal. 30-06 with QPQ Nitride Finish
$300 + Shipping
1919A4 and M37, 24" Cal. 30-06 with QPQ Nitride Finish
$300 + Shipping (Out of Stock)
Charts below show QPQ comparison
in sodium choride field immersion and salt spray tests with other finishes.
Rogue Island Arsenal * P.O. Box 1363 * Sutherlin * Oregon * 97479 (541) 515-5413